Beverley Palmer

Osteopath Dubai

Beverley is a British Osteopath who graduated from one of the oldest most renowned Osteopathy Colleges in the UK, the British College of Osteopathic Medicine in London. Beverley moved to Dubai in 1990 and has earned a great reputation running her successful Osteopathic practice here ever since. She was the first female Osteopath to practise in Dubai, having previously worked at General Medical Centre, Infinity Clinic and Keith Nicholl Medical Centre before joining Koster Clinic in November 2022.  She is registered with the General Osteopathic Council in the UK and is a member of the Institute of Osteopathy and Academy of Physical Medicine.

Beverley is passionate about the hands-on holistic approach Osteopathy provides. Her qualification gives her extensive understanding of anatomy, physiology, clinical medicine and musculoskeletal dysfunction enabling her to provide the best care and natural pain relief for her patients.

She uses a broad range of Osteopathic skills in both structural techniques such as soft tissue release and joint mobilisation as well as the more gentle ‘Cranial Sacral therapy ‘ which can be used to treat children and new born babies. Also having had 5 children of her own, it is not surprising that Beverley has developed a keen interest in women’s health providing treatment to mothers both during and after pregnancy. Beverley continues to further her knowledge, in the field of women’s health and also treating infants, children and teenagers for the various complaints that can occur at different stages of their development and growth.

Beverley also has a vast amount of experience in other areas such sports, work and recreational related injuries as well as neck, back and joint pain and stress. With her patient centred treatment approach designed to bring about an early resolution of symptoms, Beverley works in partnership with patients to enable them to understand and accomplish their goals.

She thoroughly enjoys seeing you through every phase of the journey aiming to help you lead a healthy and pain-free life.

As such, she keeps up to date with aftercare guidelines and seeks to regularly attend courses and workshops to refine and build her repertoire of care further.

Beverley is licensed with the regulatory bodies in the UAE and UK.  She is also a member of the General Osteopathic council, Institute of Osteopathy, Academy of Physical Medicine, Emirates Medical association and Emirates Osteopathic association.   Additionally she is a member of the Dubai Health Authority examination panel for prospective candidates applying for an Osteopathy license to work in Dubai.

In her spare time she enjoys keeping active, being with friends and spending quality time with her family.


My Mission

I am here to help you through your treatment process, providing advice and management no matter what the problem is.  I am committed as a primary healthcare professional to help you resume your pursuit of health, fitness, and well-being. One of the greatest compliments I can receive is when my patients refer their friends and family to me for treatment.


My Principles

Giving My Best Quality Of Care

I will make your treatment specific to you, both by getting to know the nature of your injury and by getting to know you, listening to your individual needs and learning about your comfort levels. I will provide hands-on treatment in the clinic and educate you about your condition, enabling you to become an active participant in your recovery and future physical health. I seek to be always available for my patients and try to offer same-day and next-day appointments when immediate help is required.


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Giving You My Best Advice

This may be advice on the diagnosis of your problem, the best way to manage it, the likely length it may take to recover or whether you require further treatment. I really care about people and your improvement is my priority. I will advise you to the best of my knowledge in order to support you and help you achieve the most optimum outcome so you can enjoy life fully again.


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Prioritising Patient Wellbeing

Compassion, integrity and responsibility are the personal and professional values that drive my approach to treating patients. I aim to provide personalised, high-quality care to people of all ages, striving to not only address your immediate health concerns, but to educate and enlighten you on how to feel better naturally.  I will also cross refer if I believe another practitioner is more specialised or if I would like another opinion.  I may refer you to your GP, specialist or to the hospital.


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